Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Man With A Movie Camera

The ManWith A Movie Camera, was quite interesting to say the least. The more and more that I think back on watching the film, I would have to say that I enjoyed it, in a “weird” abstract artistic way. After watching and reading the film, and the book I came across things that I hadn’t anticipated. Not having any previous knowledge about the film, I thought that it was interesting that one of the first few lines in the book stated that the film had NO formal plot. When I think of all of the films that I have watched over the time, I don’t ever remember a film not having any type of formal plot to follow. I think no having a plot made the film more interesting, but at the same time it also made it difficult to follow. I found the film jumping from scene-to-scene often, and sometimes things didn’t really make sense. I loved the different camera angles such as; ESL, split image, freeze frame etc. I notice a lot of different camera techniques and angles and it made the film much more interesting. This was probably my first and last film to watch without dialogue! Until now I never realized how important dialogue to me is, in the films that I watch. Though it was difficult to follow and understand without dialogue, the sound in my opinion was the “savoir” to helping me understand the film. I noticed an array of orchestral arrangement in the film. I also took note of the crescendo and decrescendo’s that took place. The crescendo’s and decrescendo’s in the film went along with the scenes for the most part and played the role of the Rising Action.

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