Monday, September 14, 2009

Ian Christie reading

This reading seemed to focus a lot on Russian film and literary history, which was a little confusing. It referenced many Russian films, which I haven't seen so it was harder to follow. From my understanding Formalists seem to focus more on how the story is set up and not necessarily what the story it. I thought this was interesting because usually when people talk about film they just discuss the story and plot, but my focusing on how this was developed you can focus more on what the director was really trying to say. It's almost like a mystery novel. The "neo-formalism" section of the article was easier to follow. It referenced Bordwell and Thompson, who do a good job of explaining what formalism is. It seems to get to the point that Christie was trying to make in the first section much faster and easier. However, this doesn't last long before Christie goes back to giving a confusing Russian film history spiel. Overall the article has some good interesting points but it's almost like going on a scavenger hunt to find them in the article.

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