Monday, September 14, 2009

“Formalism and neo-formalism” by Ian Christie

I found the end segment of the article, “Formalism and neo-formalism” by Ian Christie, concerning “Neo-Formalism” to be the least daunting, mainly because it delved into an explanation of the term through the interpretation of Bordwell and Thompson. I think in order for me to understand the traditional concept of Formalism, I need to view some of the early soviet films the article addresses. Perhaps engaging myself in multiple viewings of a certain number of scenes and then comparing my initial thoughts with later ones hopefully representative of a “de-familiarized” and critical mindset, would help me to understand and draw more insightful conclusions. On the other hand, as “Neo-Formalism” is ultimately an updated structure on this antiquated concept, utilizing the tools of Bordwell and Thompson would be the best decision to make, laying out a descriptive and simpler schema, allowing anyone to deconstruct poetics of cinema. I hope this format is addressed within class concerning North by Northwest. Specifically I wish to uncover the devices used to create multiple appeals concerning gender roles, sexuality, the sense of voyeurism it bequeaths on the viewer and the films ability to make swift transitions from normalcy to danger to lust.

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